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"I don't have time to read another book!"

This post was originally posted on 2/12/19.

How many times have you thought that in the past 6 months?

One of my responsibilities as State Educator is to help WARBC pastors continue to equip themselves for fruitful ministry in the great state of Wisconsin. To that end, I will be using this blog, among other things, to pass along “tools of the trade.” I will share tools that are helping me in ministry and resources that I know have benefitted other pastors/churches as well.

Before I start making suggestions, there needs to a disclaimer – a recommendation is not a blanket endorsement of the entire tool or person who created the resource. Could anyone honestly make such an endorsement? So, there may be times where I recommend a resource that has a different theological persuasion that you do, but there is also enough helpful information that could be beneficial to you. I’m sure you are mature enough to be discerning and wise enough to benefit from less than perfect sources – that’s what we ask of our congregations each Sunday, right?

So, back to my opening statement about not having enough time to read books. I get it. I read a lot and still feel like I am not making a dent in the number of books I would like to read. Thankfully, there are other options than merely reading a book. Audiobooks, book briefs, and summaries by the author are often available.

A book I read a couple of years ago that helped the leadership team at the church where I serve was Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team. It’s a book on leadership and how to identify hurdles that organizations need to overcome.

I’ve included a graphic of the five dysfunctions. If you understand the “results” as making disciples for the church, then it all makes sense. I would recommend you read the book. Although, maybe you don’t have time to read the book.

Alternatively, could you carve out 45 minutes to watch/listen to the author summarize the book, give case studies, and do Q&A? That seems much more manageable. Good news! That very option is available to you on Right Now Media.

If you are a WARBC pastor (senior, assistant, youth, etc.), you should have received an invite for a free Right Now Media account. I encourage you to sign up for this free account. And free is good.

Head over to Right Now Media, login, and search for Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team. It will be helpful. I promise.

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